Momma Always Told Me To "Wrap it Up" - January '11
Monday, January 31, 2011 at 10:00AM
Abbey Hesser in Monthly Recap, Useless Mutterings, travel blogging

Shout-out this month to: People who hate me on twitter, but still follow me and @reply me how much they hate me and how much I suck at writing.

This is the beginning of a new monthly segment I'm going to do where I break down all of the incredibly interesting things I've been doing this month when I wasn't blogging full time.  It's more for my recollection, to prove to the haters that I'm actually doing something with my life, and to show gratitude, where gratitude is deserved. For those of you who bitch that I don't @reply and thank you every time you RT me... here's your f-ing @ reply. And btw, so you know, I have an actual sheet of paper with everyone's twitter names and tally's for each time you @ reply me and I ALWAYS @ reply you or RT an article of yours back for EVERY GD tally mark on my paper. I swurr. So stop bitching already. If you think I suck to much, why don't you just unfollow me already. I promise, I wasn't ever going to DM you anyway.

Summary of my month: I woke up on New Years Day, hungover as all hell and disappointed in the inevitable bad luck I'd brought upon myself having not made out with anyone at midnight (or any time during the night, for that matter), after consoling and the obligatory eating of black eyed peas, cabbage and pork, Jennifer and I went out only to realize that I hadn't in fact, jinxed myself, and had made out with two boys during the evening, both of whom remembered the events vividly and were happy to recount for me. If that is a large metaphor for my lovelife in 2011, basically, I will get lots of action, I just won't remember any of it. Score! After I woke up from New Years Day Eve on January 11, I did absolutely nothing productive. I went to Houston for Emmy Lee's birthday, spent a couple days in Fort Worth and then flew to New York to work last week. My resolution for February is to do everything I promised I would do in January, but didn't do, which unfortunately is a whole lot. Oh ya, and don't forget that AWESOME typo I put in my blog title for Friday. That rocked.

Here's a list of some of the stuff I did this month when I wasn't blogging here.

And check out where I got mentioned this month!

Places I went this month...



Finally, thanks so much to the following travel people for their twitter mentions and retweets.
@journik @hackingtravel @backpackingmatt @driftingkiwi @dtravelsround @theaussienomad @abbytegnelia @mobilelawyer @adventuresoftnt @magicant @camorose @thetripchicks @foxnomad @YUshouldtravel @nomadicchick @jm_deluxe @lifescoop   

See you next month! AKA: tomorrow.

Article originally appeared on A Chick with Baggage (
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